Dr. Johannes Beck

Ger­man Patent Attor­ney, Euro­pean Patent Attor­ney, Euro­pean Patent Lit­i­ga­tor (UPC)


Main areas of practice

  • Patents and Util­i­ty Models
  • Trade­marks and Designs
  • Oppo­si­tion and appeal pro­ceed­ings before the Euro­pean Patent Office
  • IP strat­e­gy
  • Free­dom-To-Oper­ate (FTO) and valid­i­ty opinions

Dr. Johannes Beck has been work­ing in the field of IP law since 2012. Since 2015 he has been a Patent Attor­ney before the Ger­man Patent and Trade­mark Office (DPMA) and the Fed­er­al Patent Court (BPatG). He is pro­fes­sion­al rep­re­sen­ta­tive before the Euro­pean Patent Office (EPO) as well as before the Euro­pean Union Intel­lec­tu­al Prop­er­ty Office (EUIPO).

Before join­ing DTS, Dr. Beck was a cor­po­rate patent coun­sel with a com­pa­ny focused on chem­i­cal pro­cess­ing tech­nolo­gies, fuel cell com­po­nents, and on elec­trode mate­ri­als for lithi­um ion bat­ter­ies. He was trained as a patent attor­ney in an IP law firm focused on chem­istry, biotech­nol­o­gy and pharmaceuticals.

Technical fields

  • Chem­istry
  • Chem­i­cal pro­cess­ing technologies
  • Homo­ge­neous and het­ero­ge­neous catalysis
  • Car­bon materials
  • Elec­trode mate­ri­als for lithi­um ion batteries
  • Mate­r­i­al sci­ence, in par­tic­u­lar mate­ri­als resist­ing very high temperatures
  • Spec­troscopy, in par­tic­u­lar NMR spectroscopy
  • Biotech­nol­o­gy
  • Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals


  • Life Sci­ence stud­ies at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Kon­stanz, Ger­many, and at the Uni­ver­sité de Bor­deaux, France, with major focus in chemistry
  • Master’s the­sis includ­ing the chem­i­cal syn­the­sis of cyclic Neo­gly­copep­tides and their struc­tur­al char­ac­ter­i­za­tion by NMR spectroscopy
  • Doc­tor­ate at Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich: Struc­tur­al Stud­ies of N‑methylated Cyclopep­tides and of the Small Heat Shock Pro­tein Hsp26 from S. cerevisiae
  • Train­ing as Ger­man Patent Attor­ney, includ­ing stud­ies at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hagen, the Ger­man Patent and Trade­mark Office (DPMA) and the Fed­er­al Patent Court (BPatG)
  • Euro­pean Qual­i­fy­ing Exam­i­na­tion before the Euro­pean Patent Office
  • 2023 Admis­sion as Euro­pean Patent Lit­i­ga­tor (UPC)


  • Ger­man
  • Eng­lish
  • French


  • Cai, M.; Marel­li, U. K.; Mertz, B.; Beck J. G.; Opper­er, F.; Rechen­mach­er, F.; Kessler, H.; Hru­by, V.J.; Struc­tur­al Insights into Selec­tive Lig­and-Recep­tor Inter­ac­tions Lead­ing to Recep­tor Inac­ti­va­tion Uti­liz­ing Selec­tive Melanocortin 3 Recep­tor Antag­o­nists, Bio­chem­istry 2017, 56 (32), 4201–9
  • Cai, M.; Kiran, M. U.; Bao, J.; Beck, J. G.; Opper­er, F.; Rechen­mach­er, F.; McLeod, K. R.; Zing­sheim, M. R.; Doe­dens, L.; Kessler, H.; Hru­by, V. J.; Sys­tem­at­ic Back­bone Con­for­ma­tion­al Con­straints on a Cyclic Melan­otropin Lig­and Leads to High­ly Selec­tive Lig­ands for Mul­ti­ple Melanocortin Recep­tors, Jour­nal of Med­i­c­i­nal Chem­istry 2015, 58 (16), 6359–67
  • Beck, J. G.; Chat­ter­jee J.; Laufer, B.; Kiran, M. U.; Frank, A. O.; Neubauer, S.; Ova­dia, O.; Green­berg, S., Gilon, C.; Hoff­man, A.; Kessler, H.; Intesti­nal per­me­abil­i­ty of cyclic pep­tides: com­mon key back­bone motifs iden­ti­fied, Jour­nal of the Amer­i­can Chem­i­cal Soci­ety 2012, 134 (29), 12125–33
  • Beck, J. G.; Frank, A. O.; Kessler, H.; 2012 NMR of Pep­tides. In NMR of Bio­mol­e­cules: Towards Mech­a­nis­tic Sys­tems Biol­o­gy; Berti­ni, I., McGreevy, K., and Pari­gi, G., Eds.; WILEY-VCH Ver­lag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Wein­heim, Germany
  • Mas-Moruno, C.; Beck, J. G.; Doe­dens, L.; Frank, A. O.; Marinel­li, L.; Cosconati, S.; Nov­el­li­no, E.; Kessler, H.; Increas­ing αvβ3 Selec­tiv­i­ty of the Anti-Angio­genic Drug Cilen­gi­tide by N‑Methylation, Ange­wandte Chemie Int. Ed. 2011, 50 (40), 9496–50
  • Chat­ter­jee, J.; Laufer, B.; Beck, J. G.; Helyes, Z.; Pin­tér, E.; Szolc­sányi, J.; Hor­vath, A.; Man­dl, J.; Reubi, J. C.; Keri, G.; Kessler, H.; N‑Methylated sst2 Selec­tive Somato­statin Cyclic Pep­tide Ana­logue as Potent Can­di­date for Treat­ing Neu­ro­genic Inflam­ma­tion, ACS Med­i­c­i­nal Chem­istry Let­ters 2011, 2 (7), 509–14
  • Schwe­fel, D.; Maier­hofer, C.; Beck, J. G.; See­berg­er, S.; Diederichs, K.; Möller, H. M.; Welte, W.; Wittmann, V.; Struc­tur­al Basis of Mul­ti­va­lent Bind­ing to Wheat Germ Agglu­tinin, Jour­nal of the Amer­i­can Chem­i­cal Soci­ety 2010, 132 (25), 8704–19
  • Doe­dens, L.; Opper­er, F.; Cai, M.; Beck, J. G.; Dedek, M.; Palmer, E.; Hru­by, V. J.; Kessler, H.; Mul­ti­ple N‑methylation of MT-II back­bone Amide Bonds leads to Melanocortin Recep­tor Sub­type hMC1R Selec­tiv­i­ty: Phar­ma­co­log­i­cal and Con­for­ma­tion­al Stud­ies, Jour­nal of the Amer­i­can Chem­i­cal Soci­ety 2010, 132 (23), 8115–28
  • Beck, J. G.; Math­ieu, D.; Loudet, C.; Buchoux, S.; Dufourc, E. J.; Plant sterols in “rafts”: a bet­ter way to reg­u­late mem­brane ther­mal shocks, FASEB Jour­nal 2007, 21 (8), 1714–23

Foto: con­nol­ly weber, München