DTS Patent Law Firm
Being home to the European Patent Office (EPO), the German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO) and the Federal Patent Court DTS is located in one of the ‘hubs of intellectual property’ in Europe. Corresponding to this location we at DTS dedicate ourselves to the protection of our clients’ technical innovations and creative achievements.
As an association of patent attorneys and attorneys-at-law as well, DTS – in addition to filing and administration of patent and trademark applications – is able to provide legal advice in all areas of industrial property as well as copyright law and unfair competition. In particular, DTS successfully represents its clients in infringement and invalidity proceedings.
Being already familiar with the intellectual property of our clients, the combination of legal and technical experience of our attorneys ensures the maximum benefit for our clients when offering advice with regard to any area of patent law. Taking economic implications into consideration, DTS covers all aspects of intellectual property, including procuring, enforcing and licensing of patents in Europe, especially with respect to an optimized strategy for prosecution, litigation and licensing. DTS thus helps to generate patents crafted to withstand tests of invalidity in infringement proceedings. In addition, DTS also assists with carrying out IP-Due Diligences.
In the areas of copyright‑, trademark‑, design- and unfair competition, DTS offers comprehensive expert advice to artists, publishers and public relation companies. Further to prosecution of infringements, DTS is involved in the drafting and negotiation of contracts and provision of general legal advisory services to our clients.

DTS Munich Office
Brienner Strasse 1
D‑80333 Munich
T: +49–89-21 99 96–0
F: +49–89-21 99 96–99
E: dts@dts.law

DTS Stuttgart Office
Am Fruchtkasten 3
D‑70173 Stuttgart
T: +49–711-99 79 30–0
F: +49–89-21 99 96–99
E: dts@dts.law
Co-operation with DTS Zurich in Switzerland
As technological and financial center of Switzerland Zurich provides the requisite infrastructure for the management of international patent and trademark portfolios as well as the correspon- ding licensing agreements and systems. Zurich is thus ideally suited to the licensing and administration of patents on a global scale.
In co-operation with DTS Zurich, DTS is well able to file national Swiss applications with the IGE (Institut für Geistiges Eigentum – Swiss Intellectual Property Institute) in Berne, the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) in Geneva and the European Patent Office (EPA) in Munich.
In co-operation with DTS Zurich DTS covers the entire European patent market place.

DTS Zurich
Bahnhofplatz 1
CH-8001 Zurich
T: +41–43-499 40–80
F: +41–43-499 40–88
E: zurich@dts.law