As a patent law firm with a strong legal focus, DTS has always focused on the enforce­ment of intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rights. Here DTS helps the patent hold­ers to emforce their rights before the civ­il courts in a speedy pro­ce­dure. In addi­tion to the pro­ceed­ings before Ger­man patent lit­i­ga­tion cham­bers and the OLG, DTS is also well posi­tioned for the new patent court at the UPC.

DTS is par­tic­u­lar­ly well known for suc­cess­ful­ly defend­ing against patent infringe­ment pro­ceed­ings and for coor­di­nat­ing par­al­lel pro­ceed­ings in oth­er Euro­pean coun­tries. Espe­cial­ly in the dual patent sys­tem in Ger­many (infringe­ment court – fed­er­al patent court), DTS sup­ports the client with the nec­es­sary spe­cial­ist knowl­edge and the tac­ti­cal con­sid­er­a­tions result­ing from this sys­tem. By deal­ing cre­ative­ly with pos­si­ble defense options, also from the EPC, DTS often suc­ceeds in bring­ing cas­es that appear hope­less at first glance­to the sat­is­fac­tion of the client to a hap­py end.

DTS advis­es on out-of-court as well as in pre-tri­al pro­ce­dures, the tac­ti­cal atti­tude in court pro­ceed­ings, the par­al­lel objec­tion or nul­li­ty pro­ceed­ings, the enforce­ment of judg­ments and any accom­pa­ny­ing set­tle­ment nego­ti­a­tions that may be ongo­ing. DTS also acts for clients in arbi­tra­tion pro­ceed­ings before the arbi­tral tri­bunals. For DTS, the focus of action is always the (eco­nom­ic) inter­ests of the client.

