DTS once again awarded one of Europe’s leading patent law firms

DTS is delight­ed to cement its place in the top tier of Europe’s lead­ing patent law firms by the Finan­cial Times this year. For the fourth time since 2019, DTS has been rec­og­nized as a lead­ing patent law firm by peers and clients. The sur­vey results are based on independent […]

2023-07-04T11:57:59+02:0016. June 2023|

DTS appoints new Associate Partners as of April 2023

With effect from April 1, 2023, DTS has appoint­ed two of its team mem­bers, Mr. Flo­ri­an Bew­er and Mr. Markus Euster­mann, as Asso­ciate Partners.

The new Asso­ciate Part­ners will fur­ther strength­en the firm’s future, both from a legal and a tech­ni­cal perspective.

Flo­ri­an Bew­er has worked as a lawyer for DTS since […]

2023-04-19T23:20:39+02:0019. April 2023|

New office address in Munich

DTS Patent- und Recht­san­wälte moved into new office space in Munich on Sep­tem­ber 1, 2022. Our new address is Bri­en­ner Strasse 1, 80333 Munich, locat­ed at the Odeon­splatz. Elec­tron­ic and postal com­mu­ni­ca­tion is unchanged and ensured. […]

2022-12-07T12:59:23+01:004. September 2022|

DTS once again awarded one of Europe’s leading patent law firms

DTS Patent- und Recht­san­wälte has once again been award­ed one of Europe’s Lead­ing Patent Law Firms by the Finan­cial Times!

DTS is proud to announce that it has been rec­og­nized once again as mem­ber of the lead­ing patent law firms in Europe. We would like to […]

2023-07-03T15:04:43+02:0031. August 2022|

Updated 6th edition of Copyright Commentary “Praxiskommentar Urheberrecht” published

The updat­ed 6th edi­tion of the copy­right com­men­tary “Praxiskom­men­tar Urhe­ber­recht” (Beck-Ver­lag) has recent­ly been pub­lished (eds. Wandtke/Bullinger). The update takes into account the exten­sive changes result­ing from the imple­men­ta­tion of the DSM Direc­tive 2019/790/EU and the Online Sat­Cab Direc­tive 2019/791/EU for Ger­man copy­right law. The […]

2022-12-07T12:58:50+01:0023. August 2022|

DTS expands to Stuttgart

An excit­ing new chap­ter in the his­to­ry of DTS has begun!

On Jan­u­ary 1, 2022 we opened our new office in Stuttgart, Ger­many. Dr. Egbert Engel and Dr. Joachim Hap­pold, both pre­vi­ous­ly part­ners with an estab­lished IP law firm in Stuttgart, are the lead partners […]

2022-12-13T14:44:11+01:009. January 2022|

Effective January 2022 DTS adds new partners to its team

Esteemed patent attor­neys Dr. Egbert Engel and Dr. Joachim Hap­pold joined the DTS team as part­ners effec­tive Jan­u­ary 1, 2022.

Both of them have many years of expe­ri­ence in intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty mat­ters and advise clients from Ger­many and all over the world regard­ing patents, trade­marks, and […]

2022-12-13T08:31:21+01:009. January 2022|

Christian Wende appointed as member of EPO’s Standing Advisory Committee (SACEPO)

Chris­t­ian Wende has been appoint­ed to the EPO’s Stand­ing Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee (SACEPO) for its 2021–2023 term, fol­low­ing his nom­i­na­tion by FICPI (www.ficpi.org).

He will be serv­ing as com­mit­tee mem­ber in the com­mit­tees for Patent Doc­u­men­ta­tion and Infor­ma­tion (SACEPO/PDI) and Qual­i­ty (SACEPO/WPQ):



Chris­t­ian Wende is […]

2022-12-07T12:58:22+01:0030. March 2021|
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