In order to obtain a reli­able basis for deci­sions, the cor­rect assess­ment of the legal sit­u­a­tion is a pre­req­ui­site. DTS pro­vides reli­able legal opin­ions and thus cre­ates the basis for a well-found­ed eco­nom­ic deci­sion. Con­flicts on the basis of these opin­ions are often suc­cess­ful­ly nego­ti­at­ed between the par­ties out of court and brought to a conclusion.

If an agree­ment is to be per­ma­nent, the cor­rect imple­men­ta­tion in a con­tract is often deci­sive in order to be able to safe­guard and enforce the nego­ti­a­tion result in the long term. DTS has the exper­tise to draft con­tracts in such a way that not only the sta­tus quo but also fore­see­able future devel­op­ments are reg­u­lat­ed in a cor­rect and safe legal way between the par­ties. This is a deci­sive con­tri­bu­tion to cre­at­ing the legal peace that an agree­ment is intend­ed to achieve.