Copy­right law pro­tects the cre­ative achieve­ments of authors, com­posers, pho­tog­ra­phers, film­mak­ers, painters, archi­tects, sculp­tors, etc. for a peri­od up to 70 years after the death of their cre­ator against their unau­tho­rized use or copy­ing by third par­ties. It also con­tains essen­tial ele­ments for the reg­u­la­tion of the con­trac­tu­al rela­tion­ships between cre­ators and their con­trac­tors or col­lect­ing soci­eties such as pub­lish­ers, film pro­duc­ers, broad­cast­ers, pho­to agen­cies, gal­leries, muse­ums, etc. DTS advis­es in all mat­ters of copy­right and and art law. We rep­re­sent our clients with com­pe­tence and com­mit­ment in nego­ti­a­tions as well as in lit­i­ga­tion in front of court. In inter­na­tion­al cas­es we work togeth­er with spe­cial­ized attor­neys in for­eign coun­tries all over the world.