Robert Schnekenbühl
Patent Attorney (DE, CH), European Patent Attorney, Attorney-at-Law (DE), Certified IP Lawyer, European Patent Litigator (UPC), M.Sc. (Physics) — Partner
E‑Mail: s@dts.law
Tel:+49 (0)89 219996–0
Fax:+49 (0)89 219996–99
Main areas of practice
- patent litigation and nullity proceedings
- opposition proceedings before the EPO
- patent- and trademark-strategy
- IP-due diligence, license agreements
- employee invention law
In addition to managing patent portfolios, Robert Schnekenbühl is primarily involved in two-party proceedings. Three years after founding the law firm, at the age of 33, he was already representing Fortune 500 companies in patent infringement proceedings. Since then he has conducted many proceedings that have also been discussed in the media. In addition, he successfully conducts opposition proceedings for his clients before the European Patent Office (EPO) and the GPTO, as well as nullity actions before the FPC.
In addition to the procedures before the offices and courts, another focus is the conduct of out-of-court negotiations. In US patent infringement proceedings, he was appointed to conduct special master’s proceedings in Germany.
Due to his expertise in the management of patent portfolios and his knowledge of employee invention law, he and his team are regularly called in to prepare and carry out due diligence procedures in the IP area.
Robert has been working exclusively in the area of intellectual property since 1994. His technical background is physics and he earned a Master of Science in physics at the University of St. Andrews (Scotland). He is registered as German patent attorney as well as authorized representative before the EPO and as Swiss patent attorney. Additionally, he is registered as a German attorney-at-law, as European Patent Litigator (UPC) and as Certified IP lawyer.
He is a CEIPI-Tutor at the Universitée Robert Schumann, Strasbourg, where he gives lectures on “opposition proceedings before the European Patent Office” in Munich. Further, he is tutor and member of the examination board at the University of Hagen for an LL.M. program for patent attorneys and for the education of the candidates for the German patent bar and the European Qualifying Examination at the EPO. He is a co-author of a commentary on patent law in Germany and at the EPO and he is co-author of a handbook on patent law, especially for the chapter on patent strategy and monetization of patents.
He is a regular speaker in international and national seminars on topics of patent infringement proceedings, the opposition proceeding before the EPO and the German legal system, especially the patent infringment and nullity proceedings.
Motto: Si vis pacem para bellum
- AIPLA, observer at APAA
Technical fields
- Laser physics; optoelectronics, optics, photonics;
- medical instruments;
- mechanical engineering; car industry;
- process engineering;
- nano-technology;
- computer technologies; software related inventions;
- sport industry;
- environmental engineering, filtering, catalytic converter, recycling and solar energy; solid state physics, ceramics.
Legal focus
Patent and trademark litigation. Invalidity proceedings before the FPC (nullity proceedings) and the EPO (opposition proceedings and appeal).
Patent and trademark prosecution before the German PTO, EPO, UPC, OHIM and IGE.
- 2020: Co-author “Handbuch des Patentrechts” Haedicke/Timmann, chapter on patent management und Patent monetization, publisher C.H. Beck
- 2008 – 2022: Co-author of a commentary on patent law for the German Patent Act and the EPC (European Patent Convention) „Fitzner, Lutz, Bodewig“ – commenting the provisions for the opposition proceedings before the EPO (Art. 99 – 105c), filing of patent applications of not-entitled persons Art. 61 EPÜ, the opposition proceedings of the German Patent Act PatG (§ 59 – 64 PatG), the nullity proceedings before the Federal Patent Court and the vindication, § 8 PatG; Online-commentary publisher C.H. Beck
- 2008 – today: member of the examination board for the LL.M. program „Europäischer Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz“ of the FU Hagen
- 2006 – 2020: lecturer and examiner with the German Attorney Academy (Deutsche Anwaltsakademie) for a course for German specialist solicitors in IP law
- 2005 – today: member of the academic team of the FU Hagen, Co-Author of the course on „Opposition Proceedings according to the EPC” and author of the course on “Basics of the EQE at the EPO”
- 2003 – today: lecturer with FORUM, especially with seminars on “Patent litigation and nullity proceedings in Germany” as well as “Opposition proceedings before the EPO“
- 2001 – today: CEIPI-Tutor, especially for opposition proceedings at the EPO and the filing of patent applications by non-entitled persons, Art. 61 EPC
- 2001 – today: member of the examination board for the examination of German patent attorney candidates in the context of the legal course at the FU Hagen.
Seminars / Lectures
- 10.06.2022 Munich – IPO’s European Practice Conference “Equivalence in Germany”
- 24./25.03.2022 Heidelberg (ViCo) – Forum Seminar – IP-Manager
- 04./05.11.2021 Heidelberg (ViCo) – Forum Seminar – IP-Manager
- 11./12.03.2021 Heidelberg (ViCo) – Forum Seminar – IP-Manager
- 18.06.2020 Munich (ViCo) – Oral Proceedings via a VideoConference-System: New ways of pleading a case
- 29.11.2019 Heidelberg – Forum Seminar – IP-Manager
- 22.05.2019 Rijswijk, Den Haag, NL – EPA: Examination Matters – Member of the Delegation EPI: Co-Referent WS15 “Efficient procedure by efficient communication with the EPO”
- 05.04.2019 Heidelberg – Forum Seminar – IP-Manager
Previous Seminars / Lectures
- 12.2017 München – EPA: „Continous Knowledge Transfer“ – Die mündliche Verhandlung am EPA, insbesondere vor den Einspruchsabteilungen des EPA
01.12.2017 Heidelberg – Forum Seminar – IP-Manager - 07.2017 Frankfurt – Forum Seminar – „Projektsteuerung Patentverletzungsverfahren – Erkennen – Vorbereiten – Begleiten – Nachbereiten“
- 04.2017 München, CEIPI-Kurs, „Recht an der Erfindung“
- 03.2017 Heidelberg – Forum Seminar – IP-Manager
- 03.2017 Hannover – VPP Bezirksgruppe Mitte-Nord – „Schutzbereichsbestimmung von Patenten in Deutschland und im Europäischen Vergleich“
- 07.2016 Heidelberg – Forum Seminar – IP-Manager
- 18.12.2015 München – DAA-Seminar – „Patentverletzung und Nichtigkeitsverfahren“
- 17.11.2015 Okinawa – APAA – „Claim Construction in Validity proceedings and in Infringement proceedings in Germany“
- 03.2015 Heidelberg – Forum Seminar – IP-Manager
- 06.2014 Heidelberg – Forum Seminar – Manager Patent
- 03.2013 München, CEIPI-Kurs, „Recht an der Erfindung“
- 11.2012 München – DAA-Seminar – „Patentverletzung und Nichtigkeitsverfahren“ Lehrgang Fachanwalt für gewerblicher Rechtsschutz
- 10.05.2012 Austin, Texas, USA – AIPLA Spring Meeting – „Nullity proceedings in Europe“
- 10.2010 München – Forum-Seminar – „Patentverletzungsverfahren“ mit VorsRi OLG Konrad Retzer
- 04.2010 München – Forum-Seminar – „Patentreferent I“
- 04.2010 Frankfurt a.M. – Deutsche Anwalt Akademie im Rahmen des Fachlehrgangs Gewerblicher Rechtschutz
- 03.2010 München – Forum Seminar – „Patentverletzungsverfahren“ mit VorsRi OLG Konrad Retzer
- 11.2009 München – DTS-Seminar – „EPÜ 2000“
- 11.2009 München – DTS-Seminar – „Patentämter und ‑gerichte in München“
- 03.2009 München – Forum-Seminar – „Patentverletzungsverfahren“ mit VorsRi OLG Konrad Retzer
- 03.2008 München, Forum-Seminar – „Patentverletzungsverfahren“ mit VorsRi OLG Konrad Retzer
- 06.2002 Kiev, Ukraine – „Dispute Resolution in Court and Administration Procedures – the German Legal System for patent litigation“, veranstaltet vom European Patent Office (EPO) und The State Department of Intellectual Property of the Ukraine (SDIP)
- 21.06.2002 – Fernuniversität in Hagen – Vorlesungsveranstaltung der deutschen Patentanwaltskammer im Rahmen des Studienganges „Recht für Patentanwaltsbewerber“- „Schutzumfang deutscher Patente und Gebrauchsmuster“
- 07.06.2002 – Fernuniversität in Hagen – Vorlesungsveranstaltung der deutschen Patentanwaltskammer im Rahmen des Studienganges „Recht für Patentanwaltsbewerber – „Patentverletzungsverfahren“ / „Schutzbereichsbestimmung deutscher Patente und Gebrauchsmuster“
- 04.2002 – Zürich – Seminar „Strategic Portfolio Management“ von DTS und Dr. Koch Consulting – „Durchsetzung von Schutzrechten in Europa“
- 03.2002 – Paderborn – Frühjahrs-Treffen der Patentfachleute in OWL – „Visualisierung technischer Sachverhalte, insbesondere im Patentverletzungsprozess“
- -25.02.2002 – München – CEIPI-Kurs – „Einspruchsverfahren vor dem EPA“
- 02.2002 – Fernuniversität in Hagen – Vorlesungsveranstaltung der deutschen Patentanwaltskammer im Rahmen des Studienganges „Recht für Patentanwaltsbewerber“- „Schutzumfang deutscher Patente und Gebrauchsmuster“
12./ 19.11.2001 – München – CEIPI-Kurs – „Einspruchsverfahren vor dem EPA/C‑Teil“ - 10.2001 – DTS Seminar – „Patentverletzung/ Nichtigkeitsklage“
- 10.2001 – DTS Seminar – „Patentstrategie“
15.05.2001 Philadelphia – Deutsch/Amerikanische Handelskammer – „One Stop Shop Europe – The European Community Patent“ - 01.2001 – DTS Seminar München – „Patentverletzungs- und Nichtigkeitsklage“