Dr. Vahideh Habibpour
German Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator (UPC)
E‑Mail: v.habibpour@dts.law
Tel:+49–89-21 99 96–0
Fax:+49–89-21 99 96–99
Main areas of practice
- Patent Law
- Utility Law
- Trademark Law
- Design Law
- Prosecution, opposition, nullity, infringement proceedings
Technical fields
- Analytical Devices
- Medical Technology
- Computer-Implemented Inventions
- Physical Chemistry and Heterogeneous Catalysis
- Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
- B. Sc. in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology “Effects of Trace Elements on Aging of Al356 Alloy”.
- M. Sc. in Advanced Materials, Universität Ulm: “Micro-calorimetric Study of the Biological Processes”.
- Ph.D. at Department of Physical Chemistry at Technical University of Munich: Reactivity of Cluster Model Catalysts: “Influence of Support Material Properties and Reaction Conditions”.
- Postdoctoral Marie-Curie Research Fellow at University of Birmingham und University of Oxford.
- Further Education on Law for Patent Attorneys at University of Hagen; Trainee as a German Patent Attorney at the German Patent and Trademark Office and at the German Federal Patent Court
- European Patent Institute (epi)
- Since 2019 qualified European Patent Attorney
- 2020 qualified German Patent Attorney and European Trademark and Design Attorney
- Since 2015 active in the field of Intellectual Property
- 2023 Admission as European Patent Litigator (UPC)